Just Keep Walking

Susan Marie Jarvis
3 min readApr 4, 2024

How to Conquer Fear

photo by Susan M. Jarvis

Hot Dogs and Helicopters.

The allure of free hot dogs and the opportunity to witness world-famous Nik Wallenda walk the high wire brought me to Payne Park last Friday in Sarasota, Florida. Thousands of adults and children and dogs filled the park in a peaceful gathering sponsored by First Sarasota Baptist Church. In truth, I do not need a free hot dog, I was not accompanied by any children, nor was I here to support the church AND I brought a dog that simply is often overwhelmed by both large and tiny humans who want to pet her.

Why did I choose this when I could have watched the sunset at the beach or sipped a cocktail during Happy Hour someplace downtown?

It was fun! And two surprising, almost miracles unfolded and many small gracious moments occurred.

The energy in the park felt easy, kind and unhurried. I expected to wait in a long, line for a hot dog but we just walked up to a table and was handed the hot dog by a woman who smiled and offered a free bottle of water, too. I shared my hot dog with my dog.

Follow Your Intuition

Children enjoyed the inflatables, the clown on stilts, and face painting. Many, possibly thirty or more kids asked to pet my dog. My Goldendoodle did not pull away. This dog so easily frightened in the past, bravely and happily accepted pets and even sniffed at strangers to elicit more attention! It took one full year before my neighbor could come close to my dog and she saw him every day. I followed my intuition to bring my dog despite her previous skiddish behavior and the result was delightful. A Good Friday miracle? Maybe.

People I never met before, greeted me and we had short, pleasant conversations. Not one or two but several times, strangers smiled, chatted and moved on.

Easter eggs filled with candy for the children were dropped from a helicopter. We sat on the hill overlooking the crowd and felt the thrill of the helicopter swooping overhead. As a child, I had the great fortune of many helicopter rides right from my backyard. The pilot was a family friend. What a brilliant memory.

A Delicate Balance Between Hope and Despair

As we awaited the next event the air turned a little breezy and cooler and sunset neared. Watching a man walk a high wire with no net is simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking. The music quieted, the Pastor ended his introduction, and Nik Wallenda took his first step. His pre-recorded words played on the speakers as he performed.

“Walk. Take the first step. Take the first step forward. The only way to conquer fear is to face it head-on and just keep walking. There will be challenges. There will be storms. We are all walking the tightrope of life. Each step is a delicate balance between hope and despair. Just keep walking has the power to change everything.” Nik Wallenda

His words were magical. I sat silently absorbing every word. He urged us to persevere, to be resilient, to press on and not just for ourselves but for our families and others.

Nik safely crossed the wire and I safely crossed to a renewed Trust in the Universe. A friend who had not attended asked if perhaps this form of entertainment is passe, now replaced by newer, perhaps more flashy events. This was entertainment but more importantly, it was inspirational, moving, with a message so simple and tremendously profound. It is timeless. Observing a human, bravely undertaking a challenge that requires the highest level of concentration, courage and faith offers an authentic, soulful, insanely beautiful experience. Take the first step.

Was this my second miracle? Perhaps. Take the first step. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep moving forward. It has life-changing results.

Days later, two of my dearest friends are walking in Portugal on the Camino de Santiago a pilgrimage putting one foot in front of the other. This path of life is simple and delicate, full of surprises and discoveries.

My dog persevered through her issues and now welcomes people in a new way. I can too. Thank you Nik Wallenda.



Susan Marie Jarvis

My Spirit nudges me to explore, learn, write and share. Self-improvement, inspiration, lessons learned, spirituality, and witty commentary on life.